Thursday, March 19, 2009

Improve Sikh Education?

Sikh Spirit Foundation is asking people to submit a proposal on how to use $25,000 to improve Sikh Education or your local Gurduara for a chance to win an iPod!.

I came across this project today, seems very interesting and I am looking forward to reading what kind of ideas are generated.

My 2 cents on this would be to change the focus on who is being educated and how. Let's focus on the young adults , new parents and parents who want to know how to teach/reach their children or social peers about Sikh Core Values and why certain things are being practiced.

We need to start to answer the infamous question "But why?" Instead of telling them "That is the way it is and that's it".

The Youth now have the Internet -- a fast and easy way to get information which might not be always correct but aleast it's an answer to a question which their parents did not even attempt to understand.

We need to educate our young parents to have open converation about topics, keep learning and growing. It is okay to tell your children or peers that you will look into it and get back to them. This will help build trust and respect and children will be more open to talk about real issues with you instead of trying to reach out to friends and strangers online first.

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